As pet owners, we adore our beloved furry companions, but at times, they may have undesirable breath. It's important to note that bad breath in dogs is not only a cosmetic concern, but it could also be a warning sign of an underlying health issue. Our vets at Marina del Rey will provide information on the potential causes of your dog's bad breath.
What causes bad breath in dogs
Dogs commonly have bad breath that can escalate into an unpleasant odor. The cause of this can be attributed to different factors like eating, playing with toys, or simply living their daily routine.
However, it can also be a symptom of an underlying health condition like liver or kidney disease or problems with their oral health. It is crucial to address your furry friend's bad breath as it might indicate a severe issue that requires immediate attention.
Oral Health Issues
Foul breath in dogs is often due to oral health concerns such as tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections. These issues result in the accumulation of bacteria and food particles in your furry companion's mouth, causing plaque and persistent odor.
It is crucial to maintain your dog's oral hygiene to avoid stronger odor and deteriorating health conditions. To achieve this, make sure to schedule regular professional dental cleanings for your pet and maintain good oral hygiene practices at home.
Kidney Disease
Does your dog have stinky breath that smells like feces or urine? It could be a result of them eating their own poop (which is concerning on its own) or it could indicate a problem with their kidneys.
When the kidneys aren't functioning correctly, toxins and waste materials can accumulate in the body, leading to unpleasant breath and potentially serious health issues for your furry friend. So, if your pup has smelly breath, it's best to get them checked out by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems.
Liver Disease
If you've noticed that your dog's breath has become unpleasant and they are also experiencing symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, it's possible that they could be suffering from a liver disease that is responsible for these issues. This is something that should be taken seriously and requires prompt veterinary attention to determine the root cause of the problem and provide appropriate treatment for your furry friend's wellbeing.
Treating Bad Breath in Dogs
It's important to determine the cause of your dog's bad breath to provide the appropriate treatment. Bad breath can be an indicator of a more serious underlying health issue that requires attention to eliminate the odor.
Therefore, it's recommended to bring your furry friend to the vet as soon as you notice any changes in their breath's smell.
Early diagnosis is crucial since there are several potential causes of bad breath that may require urgent medical attention. The vet will evaluate the severity and location of the underlying condition and suggest the best course of treatment, which may include prescription medications, specialized diets, therapies, or surgeries.
So, take the initiative and schedule a visit with your trusted vet to ensure your pup receives the proper diagnosis and treatment.
Home Treatment for Bad Breath
Preventing bad breath in your dog is possible through routine oral hygiene care and annual professional dental cleanings. While home treatment for kidney or liver disease isn't available, you can still take some easy measures to prevent internal organ failure or disease, which can cause bad breath in your dog.
This includes keeping toxic substances out of your pet's reach, such as human medications, common houseplants, and foods safe for our consumption.
Consult your vet to find the best oral health products for your dog, or provide dental chews and dog food designed to promote oral health if your dog doesn't tolerate tooth brushing. It's best to start tooth brushing when your dog is young to get them used to it.
By being aware of what is toxic to your pet, you can help keep your furry friend healthy and free from bad breath.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.